Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lab 6

The following Digital Elevation model was taken from the United States Geological Survey of 1983 in the area of Southern Oregon/Northern California.  The extent of the Model is as follows:  W -124.455278, E -123.615278, N 42.776944, S 42.211389 decimal degrees.  The reference system was defined by the USGS and was the Geographic Coordinate System of North America 1983.  I chose this area because of its sheer beauty and very mountainous terrain.  The above map was taken from Google Maps to show the approximate area that the Elevation Model is describing.  I purposely chose to include a portion of the ocean in my map to see the visualization of the mountains and the oceans on the far left.  Since the majority of the map includes the Klamath National Forest, the Digital Elevation Model produces some very interesting lines.  Personally, it almost looks like the arteries and connections of the human brain. 


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