Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lab 2

  1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle

  2. The adjacent quadrangles are as follows:
    1. Canoga Park Quadrangle
    2. Van Nuys Quadrangle
    3. Burbank Quadrangle
    4. Topanga Quadrangle
    5. Hollywood Quadrangle

    6. Venice Quadrangle
    7. Inglewood Quadrangle

  3. 1966

  4. The horizontal datum used to produce this map were NAD 27 and NAD 83.  The vertical datum used to produce this map was 1929.

  5. 1:24 000

    1. Using the scale, we write (1 centimeter / 24 000 centimeters) = (5 centimeters / q centimeters) where q represents the distance on the ground.  We cross multiply and receive q = 120 000 centimeters.  To convert to meters, divide by 100.

      5 centimeters on the map = 1 200 meters on the ground.
    2. (1 inch / 24 000 inches) = (5 inches / r inches), where r represents the distance on the ground.  Cross multiply and receive r = 120 000 inches.  To convert to meters, note that 63 360 inches = 1 mile.  Divide by 63 360.

      5 inches on the map = 1.89 miles on the ground.
    3. Using the fact that 1 mile = 63 630 inches, (1 inch / 24 000 inches)=(s inches / 63 360 inches), where s represents the distance on the map.  Cross multiply and receive s = 2.64.

      1 mile on the ground = 2.64 inches on the map.
    4. Using the fact that 3 km = 300 000 cm, (1 centimeter / 24 000 centimeter)=(t inches / 300 000 inches), where t represents the distance on the map.  Cross multiply and receive t = 12.5.

      3 km on the ground = 12.5 centimeters on the map.

  6. 20 feet

    1. Longitude:  The quadrangle measures approximately 18.65 centimeters horizontally.  The centroid of the Public Affairs Building is approximately 9.20 centimeters from the western border of the quadrangle.  Using the fact that the quadrangle is 7.50 degrees by 7.50 degrees, we can write (x minutes/ 7.50 minutes) = (9.20 centimeters / 18.65 centimeters).  Cross multiply to receive x = 3.6997 minutes.

      This value is equal to 00º 03' 42".

      The left most longitude as written on the map is 118º 30' 00".

      Therefore, the longitudinal coordinate of the building is 118º 30' 00" - 00º 3' 42" = 118º 26' 18".  We convert this to decimal degrees, and receive 118.4383 decimal degrees.

      Latitude:  The quadrangle measures approximately 22.40 centimeters vertically.  The centroid of the Public Affairs building is approximately 13.25 centimeters measured from the southern border of the quadrangle.  Using the fact that the quadrangle is 7.5 degrees by 7.5 degrees, we can write (y minutes/ 7.5 minutes) = (13.25 centimeters / 22.40 centimeters).  Cross multiply to receive y = 4.4363 minutes.

      This value is equal to 00º 4' 26".

      The lowest latitude as written on the map is 34º 00' 00".

      Therefore, the latitudinal coordinate of the building is expressed as 34º 00' + 00º 04' 26" = 34º 04' 26".  Converted to decimal degrees, we receive 34.0738 decimal degrees.

      The geographic coordinates of the Public Affairs Building is approximately 118º 26' 18" West, 34º 04' 26" North and 118.4383 decimal degrees West, 34.0738 decimal degrees North.

    2. Longitude:  The Santa Monica Pier is 0.15 cm from the western border of the quadrangle.  (x minutes/ 7.50 minutes) = (0.15 centimeters / 18.65 centimeters).  x = 0.0603 minutes.  

      0.0603 minutes = 00º 00' 03"

      The left most longitude given is 118º 30" 00'.

      The longitudinal coordinate of the pier is 118º 30' 00" - 00º 00' 03" = 118º 29' 57".  This value in decimal degrees is 118.4992.

      Latitude:  The Pier is 1.30 cm from the southern border of the quadrangle.  We write (y minutes/ 7.50 minutes) = (1.30 centimeters / 22.40 centimeters).  Cross multiply to receive y = 0.4353 minutes.

      0.4353 minutes = 00º 00' 26"

      Therefore, the latitudinal coordinate of the building is expressed as 34º 00' + 00º 00' 26" = 34º 00' 26".  Converted to decimal degrees, we receive 34.0072 decimal degrees.

      The geographic coordinates of the Santa Monica Pier is approximately 118º 29' 57" West, 34º 00' 26" North and 118.4992 decimal degrees West, 34.0072 decimal degrees North.   

    3. Longitude:  The Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir is approximately 5.10 cm from the eastern border of the quadrangle.  (x minutes/ 7.50 minutes) = (5.10 centimeters / 18.65 centimeters).  x = 2.0509 minutes.

      2.0509 minutes = 00º 02' 03"

      The right most longitudinal coordinate as written on the map is 118º 22' 30".

      The longitudinal coordinate of the pier is 118º 22' 30" + 00º 02' 03" = 118º 24' 33".  This value in decimal degrees is 118.4092.

      Latitude:  The centroid of the Reservoir is 0.90 cm from the northern border of the quadrangle.  We write (y minutes/ 7.50 minutes) = (0.90 centimeters / 22.40 centimeters).  Cross multiply to receive y = 0.3013 minutes.

      0.3013 minutes = 00º 00' 18"

      The northern most latitude as written on the map is 34º 07' 30".

      Therefore, the latitudinal coordinate of the building is expressed as 34º 07' 30" - 00º 00' 18" = 34º 07' 12".  Converted to decimal degrees, we receive 34.1200 decimal degrees.

      The geographic coordinates of the Santa Monica Pier is approximately 118º 24' 33" West, 34º 07' 12" North and 118.4092 decimal degrees West, 34.1200 decimal degrees North

    1. 560 feet
      170.68 meters

    2. 140 feet
      42.67 meters

    3. 700 feet
      213.63 meters

  7. Zone 11

  8. 3 763 000 Northing; 361 500 Easting

  9. 1 000 meters x 1 000 meters = 1 000 000 square meters

  10. +14º

  11. The stream flows from North to South.  The elevation of the northern part of the river is higher than the elevation of the southern part.  Thus, the water must flow downward in this direction.

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